Tuesday, October 14, 2014

The Seven Virtues of the Enlightened Marketeer

Just as I have seen most small business owners allow their personal shortcomings interfere with their success, I have known a number of entrepreneurs whose success has been enormous. And I have distilled their personal attributes down into what I call:

                                        The Seven Virtues of the Enlightened Marketeer

    1.    Personal Growth: 
As smart as these people are, they are humble enough to recognize their shortcomings and realize that the only way to improve over time is through learning. As a result, they never stop asking questions, attending seminars, role-modeling after other successful people and reading everything they can get their hands on.

    2.    Fearlessness: 

Everyone experiences fear, uncertainty and doubt (FUD), but the Enlightened Marketeer never lets the knot in their stomach stop them from trying or doing what they feel is right. They know that, even if they "fail," they will learn lessons that will help them succeed the next time.

    3.    Generosity: 
Successful small business marketers cast their bread upon the waters and know that the value will be returned to them many times over. They treat their partners, vendors, employees, salespeople and customers with respect and deliver overwhelming value - even if they might not make a profit on that one deal.

    4.    Industriousness: 
You will never find a successful small business person who is not a hard worker. Because they believe in and enjoy what they do, the hours they spend hardly resemble what most people think of as "work," and their unspoken example is followed by everyone they touch.

    5.    Commitment:
 The Enlightened Marketeer is in it for the long haul. They develop marketing programs which they intend to work and improve over time. You will see them doing the same things - only better - for many years.

    6.    Abundance Mentality:
Your glass must be half-full or your life will never be fulfilled. Enlightened Marketeers never dwell too long on a rejected proposal or lost customer because they see their world as full of business and the next great opportunity as just around the corner.

    7.    Calculated Risk Engagement: 
Successful small business owners understand the risk-reward relationship. But they hedge their bets by following the example of successful people who have gone before them and they carefully track the results of their marketing investments to increase their returns over time.

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